Dissemination Guidelines

Youth Development Strategies, Inc. is committed to allowing wide dissemination and use of the intellectual property and research findings on this website while protecting copyrighted information. The following guidelines for use of materials follow standard copyright practices that allow for use and innovation, while honoring copyrights.

Youth Development Strategies, Inc. grants permission for the not-for-profit reproduction or distribution of information provided on the PUBLIC ACCESS portion of its website, provided that:
  1. Proper copyright notice is affixed on all printed pages
  2. No alterations are made to the content of any file or document; and
  3. Credit is given to Youth Development Strategies, Inc. and any specified author(s)/copyright holder(s) of the document as the source of the information
  4. Youth Development Strategies, Inc. must always be given appropriate credit for information that is used. Even when paraphrasing, professional courtesy and ethics require accurate and proper attribution of the material to Youth Development Strategies, Inc. Please use the following credit for all reprints and reproductions of YDSI material:

    "Reprinted with permission from Youth Development Strategies, Inc. ” Youth Development Strategies Inc., (date)" using the date that appears on the copyright notice as it appears on the website in relation to that material

  5. Notice is given to YDSI of which materials are being used and for what purposes using the notification form provided here [click here for notification form]. YDSI collects this information in order to track the uses made of the information on the website and provides a mechanism for YDSI to collect feedback on the usefulness of materials.

YDSI reserves the right to review the use of YDSI copyrighted material in training materials and curricula. In order to assure that YDSI material is accurately represented in training materials and curricula YDSI research staff will review the proposed use and provide feedback within 5 business days. Please submit a copy of the proposed materials along with a completed request for review form [click here for request for review form]

YDSI reserves the right to deny permission to reprint or reproduce material if it is determined to be in the best interest of the organization.

Prior written consent is required from YDSI for the following:

  • To link to the YDSI website from other websites;
  • Modification, adaptation, or translation of any materials appearing on the website;
  • Use of YDSI sample survey items in other surveys;
  • Use of YDSI material by, or on behalf of, for-profit organizations;
  • Use of YDSI material for advertising or fundraising purposes.

email:  info@ydsi.org
phone:  609.838.2636
fax:  609.581.1578
Youth Development Strategies, Inc.
4 Kosco Court
Hamilton, NJ 08610